Fish Without Fins: Sea star monitoring
I lean towards the rocks, tilting my kayak in an attempt to grab hold of the rock walls, a loose frond of Egregia menziesii—anything to momentarily secure myself. This is my first time surveying sea...
I lean towards the rocks, tilting my kayak in an attempt to grab hold of the rock walls, a loose frond of Egregia menziesii—anything to momentarily secure myself. This is my first time surveying sea...
Towing for plankton off the dock. It’s a cloudy afternoon in early July, and the sea is as grey and still as the sky. The subdued atmosphere mirrors the stillness of Cedar Coast Field Station–it’s...
This title was inspired by the wonderfully long, beautifully sculptured wooden tables that can be found in the station’s center lodge. Residents convene here for dinner to engage in conversation with others. Many fond memories...
During the summer season of 2019 Rowen Monks, a Canada Summer Jobs Student, worked as a research technician at the Cedar Coast Field Station. Rowen loves kelp. When she snorkels by, she loves the way...
Edge of Tomorrow is an arts magazine created during Cedar Coast Field Station’s Arts for Ecology summer camp in 2019. The premise of the project was to provide youth inspiration through community service, ecological research...
I set out for Cedar Coast along with Ian Harland, Emily Kelsall and Sammy Manson as part of an art program I organized, named “The Group of 4”. We volunteered together at the station, and...
This month, the Cedar Coast Field Station had been featured in the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation magazine in an article written by Andrew Wood – an CCFS educator. The change we may never know Lessons...
Update: This summer position has been filled for the season. Thank you to all those who had applied. The Cedar Coast Field Station is looking for a candidate that has an interest in education, ecology...
e are now hiring a field tech for the 2019 field season. We are looking for a summer student to contribute to our juvenile salmon monitoring program for the spring and early summer.
What an incredible season 2018 has been! As our first full operating season, it has been a great period of learning, development, and accomplishment at CCFS. From youth education to marine and terrestrial research, the...