Research Technician, Summer Student 2019
Hello hello! My name is Savanna, I am an undergraduate student at Quest University studying the intersection of ecological studies and social justice. I made my way out to Vargas Island in beginning of August, I’ve been loving every minute of my time here! This place fosters connection in so many ways. For the past few weeks I have been working on the water to develop a long-term kelp monitoring program for CCFS. Through this kayak based monitoring we are trying to track changes to kelp populations over time. With major environmental shifts impacting marine ecosystems, baseline monitoring will help us understand where kelps are and how/why they are shifting. Canopy-forming kelps provide a multitude of ecosystem services to near-shore marine environments and are a super important aspect of sub-tidal ecosystems here in Clayoquot Sound! My time at Cedar Coast, both volunteering and doing research has a truly beautiful experience. I have learned and giggled, connected with amazing people, eaten yummy food and witnessed so much natural beauty. I am excited to return soon!