Edge of Tomorrow is an arts magazine created during Cedar Coast Field Station’s Arts for Ecology summer camp in 2019. The premise of the project was to provide youth inspiration through community service, ecological research and time spent in the Clayoquoat Sound, combined with instruction in various mediums to communicate their ideas with creativity. Art can be a way to celebrate experience, call for change and critique our choices. This project is about giving a youth a platform because today is the edge of tomorrow.
– Andrew Wood, CCFS Camp Leader
Art Contributors
- Evan Johansen
- Niko Couture
- Jack Morice
- Katia Bannister
- Sydney Formaniuk
- TJ Straver
Art Instructors
- Valerie Law
- Satchel Robertson
- Janessa Dornstauder
- Gemma Macfarlane
- Andrew Wood
- Tiare Boyes
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