Drifters by design: Lessons about plankton
Towing for plankton off the dock. It’s a cloudy afternoon in early July, and the sea is as grey and still as the sky. The subdued atmosphere mirrors the stillness of Cedar Coast Field Station–it’s...
Towing for plankton off the dock. It’s a cloudy afternoon in early July, and the sea is as grey and still as the sky. The subdued atmosphere mirrors the stillness of Cedar Coast Field Station–it’s...
Name: Gemma MacfarlaneCCFS Role: Environmental Educator (One of our Canada Summer Jobs Students!) What do you love about Vargas? What I love most about Vargas is how beautiful and serene it is. Clayoquot Sound is...
Name: Valerie LawCCFS Role: Operations Coordinator What do you love about Vargas? The nature immersion. I love that you can walk outside and that a hummingbird will zoom by your ear with an excited buzz...
Name: Tiare Boyes Occupation: Leeward Consulting Ltd. (Owner/Operator)Camps: Arts for Ecology, Youth Empowerment (8-12) About Tiare: Tiare is a 2nd generation Canadian commercial fisher from Vancouver Island B.C. She is employed on the fishing vessel,...
By Andrew Wood As Cedar Coast continues to grow as an organization we are able to welcome and celebrate many firsts. In the past twelve months we have been able to celebrate our first fully...
It was a pleasure partnering with the Raincoast Education Society to bring two, 6 day summer camps to Vargas Island this July! Raincoast Education Society summer students Brittany, Ava and Christine worked with Taylor, Cedar...
A group of 9-12 year olds spent the week at the Cedar Coast Field Station where they explored the surrounding area with camp instructors, Nora Morrison and Garrett Holt. Raincoast hiked to a variety of...