A Good Day for Whales
It’s the perfect morning for whales. We’ve decided to depart at 8AM instead of 6—a small mercy, afford us by delayed departures of the whale watching boats from town. COVID has slowed everything right down,...
It’s the perfect morning for whales. We’ve decided to depart at 8AM instead of 6—a small mercy, afford us by delayed departures of the whale watching boats from town. COVID has slowed everything right down,...
I lean towards the rocks, tilting my kayak in an attempt to grab hold of the rock walls, a loose frond of Egregia menziesii—anything to momentarily secure myself. This is my first time surveying sea...
Towing for plankton off the dock. It’s a cloudy afternoon in early July, and the sea is as grey and still as the sky. The subdued atmosphere mirrors the stillness of Cedar Coast Field Station–it’s...
We kicked off last week with hosting Grade 11/12 students from the Maaqtusiis Secondary Culture Class for one of our autumn workshops, Harvesting the Abundance of Our Bioregion: Forage, Ferment & Folk Herbalism. Instructor Heather...
By: Claudia Tersigni Hello! My name is Claudia — I’m an undergraduate student at Quest University who studies marine biology. This summer, I’m working in collaboration with the Cedar Coast Field Station and Dr. Jim...
Name: Gemma MacfarlaneCCFS Role: Environmental Educator (One of our Canada Summer Jobs Students!) What do you love about Vargas? What I love most about Vargas is how beautiful and serene it is. Clayoquot Sound is...
I set out for Cedar Coast along with Ian Harland, Emily Kelsall and Sammy Manson as part of an art program I organized, named “The Group of 4”. We volunteered together at the station, and...
Name: Valerie LawCCFS Role: Operations Coordinator What do you love about Vargas? The nature immersion. I love that you can walk outside and that a hummingbird will zoom by your ear with an excited buzz...
Name: Tiare Boyes Occupation: Leeward Consulting Ltd. (Owner/Operator)Camps: Arts for Ecology, Youth Empowerment (8-12) About Tiare: Tiare is a 2nd generation Canadian commercial fisher from Vancouver Island B.C. She is employed on the fishing vessel,...
Do you know what sea-lice look like? Are you aware of the impacts sea-lice have on wild juvenile salmon? Here is a quick video where our Research Coordinator, Mack Bartlett, speaks to the effects of...