In the heart of Vargas Island, just beyond Cedar Coast property, in the adjacent Vargas Island Provincial Park is a bog, intersected by the Ahous Trail. Bogs are not often the most attractive ecosystems to most: they are usually wet, buggy, warm and squishy. When looking closely however, Vargas Island’s bog hides many treasures. At this time of year, colours appear and disappear weekly. A few weeks ago, the Western bog-laurel (Kalmia microphylla ssp. occidentalis) was in full bloom.
More recently, the Labrador Tea (Ledum groenlandicum) flowers have emerged. This plant is most easily identified by the orange fuzz on the leaves’ underside.
The Bog Cranberry (Oxycoccus oxycoccos) and Blueberry (Vaccinium) are also flowering
Within the last month, Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) has gone from brown leafless shrubs with small red flowers to lush bluish green leafy shrubs that release a sweet fragrance immediately detectable upon entering the bog.
Written By: CCFS Spring 2018 Volunteer, Lena Dietz- Chiasson