Name: Gemma Macfarlane
CCFS Role: Environmental Educator
(One of our Canada Summer Jobs Students!)
What do you love about Vargas?
What I love most about Vargas is how beautiful and serene it is. Clayoquot Sound is such an incredible, biodiverse environment, and it makes me feel at peace; I’m very lucky to be here!
What are you most excited for about summer camps?
I’m most excited for exploring the intertidal! I love flipping over rocks to find and learn about neat invertebrates.
How do you make change on the individual/community/global scale?
I try to make change on a global scale by using as little single-use plastic as possible, and by eating plant-based. I have a rule when I go out to coffee shops: if I don’t have my reusable cup with me, I won’t buy a drink. I think this is an easy way that everyone can reduce their plastic footprint!
How do you define empowerment?
To me, feeling empowered is when you feel like your individual decisions can have a real, lasting impact. Empowerment is realizing that your decisions matter! We are constantly hearing about how saving the planet is helpless, but I think once more people feel empowered by the positive impacts that come from individual decisions, that’s when we’ll see real environmental change for the better.